Monday, March 05, 2007

What if I run out of shirts to fold? What if I run out of lawn to mow?

Last Friday night Tyrone and I took in Zodiac and I'm pretty sure we both came out of the theater pretty impressed. I for one loved this movie. It's Fincher's best work to date and that's the truth. This film just looks and feels like it was made thirty years ago. The San Francisco that exists in this film must be like what it was in the late sixties early seventies. Me being born in '87 doesn't really give me much insight into this but I've got a feeling it's spot-on. It's basically a police procedural movie that follows the case of the infamous Zodiac killer that terrorized California for years in the seventies. The story in this film follows Gyllenhaal's character, a cartoonist for the San Francisco Chronicle, who becomes obsessed with the case, Robert Downey Jr.'s character, Roger Avery, the Crime reporter who covered the case and Mark Ruffalo's character who was the detective signed to the case out of San Fran PD. Downey's performance was my favorite in the film. The case overtakes him and basically ruins his career as alcohol and presumably cocaine leave him a riddled shell of his former pompous self. Ruffalo is terribly good, as he usually is as the detective and Gyllenhaal, well I never really like him and I think his role was miscast. One of the few missteps in the making of this film. Even when his character is crazy obsessed with the Zodiac his hair is still perfect and he doesn't really look disheveled at all. I don't know who I would rather have seen in this role but it could have been done better. I really recommend you take in this flick soon, it's truly great.

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